Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Adventures of Aeneas-The Harpies

this is my narration of bulfinchs greek and roman mythology.......

Well there was this man named AENEAS and he went on this trip on a ship well on his first
landing he was preparing a sacrifice and tore some twigs from a bush and the wounded place dropped blood well he freaked out and tore another twig of the same thing happened except a voice started talking to him from the ground it said " spare me i am your kinsmen polydore who was killed with many arrows here and this bush is nourished with my blood." well he naturally thought the place was cursed ( which is weird :) and he and his friends left.
The next island he stopped at was called delos which was once a floating island and Jupiter (a god) tied it down with chains to the bottom of the ocean apollo and diana ( two other gods)
were born there so the place was sacred to apollo.
Well apollo (i think) told them from an oracle that they were to go to hesperia (which is now italy) well on their way there they stopped at an island full of harpies which are weird birds with the head of maidens (weird huh?) anyway when they were their they found some cattle and
killed them to eat and when they were just sitting down to eat the harpies came and took their food away........ they left there as soon as possible which in my opinion was a good idea :)
and soon came to the island called epirus which has this long weird story about it that would take forever........they left there and went on by the island of the cyclopeses which are one eyed weirdos who are huge. they met this man who was left behide by ulyssus which is a whole other story while they were talking to him the head man of the cyclposes whose only eye had been put out came down to the sea to wash is eye socket in the waves (thats just about the weirdest part of the whole story :) heard them and began chasing them they paddled away as fast as possible when polyphimas (the head cyclopse) heard the oars in the water he shouted at them, and at the sound the shores resounded and the other cylopses lined up on shore. but the men soon got away.they continued their journey and this lady saw them coming and told this other god make a storm come up so that they would wreck cause she was mad at them (thats another story) well the god agreed and got his sons BOREAS and TYPHOON to make a violent storm for them.
Well when neptune the god of the ocean saw the storm he was angered and calmed the storm!!!!
well so far thats it ......
i have to admit its pretty weird but is just a bunch of crazy myths anyway:)
thanks for reading,
Madaline brook lovorn

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